Quality information is essential if individuals and their loved ones are to be prepared for the choices that come with serious illness and end-of-life. Not knowing about hospice and palliative care means not being able to choose a comprehensive approach to you or your loved ones care at one of the most challenging and vulnerable times of our lives.

 CHAPCA'S Advance Care Planning


This booklet will explain advance directives and guide you through the planning process. An in-depth workbook and tips on how to talk about your wishes and put them in writing are included. Deciding, discussing, and documenting healthcare wishes is not an easy task for many people. We hope this booklet will help.

The workbook is a helpful tool to gather information for your advance directive. This workbook is not an advance directive.  Advance Directive copies are available on CHAPCA's website.  Click here to access.

Workbook tips:

• Some answers may need a lot of thought. Take one section at a time. Take breaks when needed.

• You might have to come back to a question. It is okay to skip questions you do not want to answer.

• Talk to your family, friends, faith community, or care team to help with questions you are not sure about.

• Name a healthcare agent if you don’t want to take part in your healthcare decisions. Give this workbook to your agent. They may find it helpful.

• Review this workbook and your advance directives often. You may need to update them as you get older, if you find out you have a serious illness, or if your health gets worse.

Order a Workbook Today

To request a copy of the CHAPCA Advance Care Planning Workbook, please fill out the form below. You may request a copy electronically via PDF or a hard copy by mail. 

CHAPCA's Advance Care Planning Guide is made possible by your generous donations. Please support our mission and efforts by making a donation so that we can continue to publish this helpful workbook.